PAT – the Panel Analyzer

We help you prepare specifically for the panel you are about to face. Pat’s analysis is delivered in 3 parts.

a) Pat helps find Cases relevant to the subject matter – see redacted example

We then help the associate prepare the document further for their partner by adding the next step in the process – we take the key arguments in the appellate brief and find cases where one of the judges in the panel has participated before to then show how their arguments are likely to fare against this panel.

The final step is to help the team understand whether this combination of judges has served together before. Did they dissent? How often do they dissent?

The associate then adds their commentary on the raw data presented to them. The work of going through hundreds of dockets to laboriously review if the same argument has been made before now turns into the much more intellectual work of understanding appellate strategy in light of this panel of judges.

The Delia platform now shifts to DORA – the docket reader. Dora gives firm productivity and profitability a new meaning.

Our call to action: