DELIA – Dynamic Intelligent Agents for Law

We are getting ready to unveil our stealth platform. We call our platform Delia (Dynamic Intelligent Agents for Law). Associates today, unfortunately accept burnout as a given in their first year. In a world where everyone asks, “How is AI going to change your routine?”, we decided that we would reduce associate burnout by making some of their tasks easier so they can apply their legal knowledge where it matters and deliver more value, earlier, to their firms. Delia is a collection of intelligent agents to help associates. Associates can deploy these purpose-built agents for specific workflows and enjoy a better quality of life.

In doing so, we work backwards in the workflow of litigation. Let me explain.

A vastly simplified overview of the process of litigation is shown below:

In this simplified view, litigation starts with filing briefs in the lower court, the argument and the lower court opinion follow. Should there be an appeal, briefs are filed and the appellate panel is appointed. The oral argument for the appeal ensues and the case comes to closure (hopefully!).

We looked at this workflow and began to create intelligent agents in reverse.

More about OLA, including case studies is here.

The next intelligent agent we showcase moves one more step ahead in the workflow. Instead of analyzing the oral argument, we now turn to the period in an Appeals case where the firm knows the panel and the date of argument is approaching. How can you create a profile of the panel? Enter PAT – the panel analyzer.

In some cases, a new docket is missed or it sits idle too long. Dora aims to remedy that. More about PAT, including case studies is here.

The Delia platform now shifts to DORA – the docket reader. Many firms now work for dedicated clients. Their clients call them with incoming dockets. However, the firm still monitors dockets to see if there are new developments, discuss who will be taking a case and so on.

Dora gives firm productivity and profitability a new meaning. More about DORA, including case studies is here.

Our call to action: