Another One Bites the Dust: End of 2022/2023 Supreme Court Term Statistics

[This piece was co-authored by Jake Truscott, a Post-Doctoral Researcher for C-SPAN Scholarship and Engagement] It has been another crazy year before the Supreme Court as the justices took up important cases related to Affirmative Action, student debt, voting, and religious rights among other issues. The justices decided several of these important cases along ideological…

It’s Not Your Imagination — The Supreme Court is Less Efficient

The Supreme Court is now less efficient according to multiple measures. Since the Court released its first decision in an orally argued case this morning, Monday January 23rd 2023, the 112 days between the first oral argument and the first opinion of this term set a new record for the longest time this has ever…

Why 2022 is Already a Term Like No Other

This is a historic year for the Supreme Court. After a second term with a conservative supermajority, the Court is once again positioned to make key decisions along ideological lines.  While the Roberts Court will be remembered for its ideological splits and key decisions in the areas of individual rights and liberties, it will also…

Supreme Court End of Term Cheat Sheet

As the Supreme Court completes the final leg of the 2022 Term here is what we know and what we can expect as the justices grapple with cases surrounding several topics important to many Americans. This morning CNN released an article delving into these topics. (1) Here are the decisions released so far this month…